Monday, 8 May 2017

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process constructing this product?

Technologies we used?
  • Premiere Pro
  • Cameras
What we Learned?
When making our film opening we first of all learnt how to change the settings on a camera to record footage that was good enough for our film opening. We also learned how to use premiere pro to edit our film opening. As I was in charge of filming I had to learn a lot about Premiere Pro. I had to learn how to upload and insert clips into a Premiere Pro sequence, I also leant how to cut clips down and how to resize them so we had a 2.30 long film opening. Furthermore I also learnt how to create titles within Premiere Pro and how to insert them into a sequence to make it seem like a more realistic film opening.

What we would do differently next time?

If I were to do this again then I would try to alter the transitions between each clip so that it flowed better however Premiere Pro is very useful in the editing of our film. 

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

What is a Target Audience?
A target audience is the demographics of the people, watching a TV show or viewing a film etc.

Our Target audience?
When we started this project one of the first things that we thought about was our genre. Having a rough idea enabled us to narrow down our ideas for a target audience for example, had our film genre been Horror then children under 13 would more than likely watch it. We soon decided to make a crime drama which made our target audiences young adults and above.

Audience Feed Back?
To better determine who would watch our film we made a pitch which we presented to our class mates, only one person out of everyone said they wouldn't watch our film.

Final film opening?
For our final film opening we decided to aim our film opening at people aged 16-18, this decision was made due to the positive feedback from our class mates and also from the target audiences of other crime dramas, we found this by looking at there classifications.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

For our film we use many different social groups that we have presented in a stereotypical way.

The first social group which we portrayed was young teens. 

Stereotypically teens are seen as being lazy and moody people who are unemployed and aggressive. In our film however we decided to challenge this stereotype and make our main protagonist; who is a teenager seem naive and hard-working a sin our film opening she is doing a paper round something which is anti-stereotypically of people the same age.

The next social group that we looked into was middle aged men and women.

Within crime-dramas middle-aged people stereotypically play the antagonist (villain). Middle aged people are also stereotypically boring, uncool, unattractive and often seen as being dominant over others. In our film we tried to stick to this stereotype and made our hooded figure seem to have the characteristics of a stereotypical antagonist of a crime-drama.