Friday, 11 November 2016

Editing Terminology

This is used to include the shot that is not necessary but however it shows a related object, action or person. This is usually placed in the middle of a regular shot. It is typically use in Action films.

This cut is used when 2 shots cross over and you are able to see both clearly, this is usually used to link two people or two situations together.

This is a type of moving image where it fades into typically black or white. This cut is used typically at the end of a dramatic scene when something bad has happened. 

Jump Cuts
A jump cut moves to a different part of a scene but missing out the action. For example someone could walk to the other side of the room and they would cut out the person crossing the room.

This can be used in many different ways, usually depending on the type of scene it is being used in. It wipes one image of the screen and is replaced by another one, typically between scenes. 

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Student Film Opening Analysation

The Edge
I think this film opening is really well produced, First of all the editing of the titles such as the directors name and the IDENT are really well placed and animated. Also the sound used behind it reinforces what is going on in this opening sequence and that this will be an action film. Another aspect of this is that there are a lot of camera movements and angles used such a P.O.V shot and an extreme close up shot, the use of these shots creates an intense feeling within the opening sequence.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Film Openings

The Usual Suspects

In this film opening the dramatic use of a death is used to create the idea of suspense and tension. This also suggests that this film will be an action film. Another aspect of this opening sequence is the use of the fire which adds to the suspense in the opening sequence,The music used in the opening sequence is very deep and intense which adds to the tension, the camera doesn't point at the man face in this opening sequence which creates suspension because of the unknown figure.
In this opening sequence everything links up first of all they walk through a room full of animal carcases, this then is linked to when they are spraying blood through the sprinklers in the roof, this creates suspense in the film. The intense music from the club adds to the intense atmosphere.

Mottai Boss

In this opening sequence the use of the helicopter and clothing show wealth and importance this is reinforced by the way that people greet him. The music in the background is similar to that used in an action film. From the entrance that the man makes we can tell that he is one of the main characters. The sound effect used when he winks or taps his head sound very electronic almost as if he is a robot.



For my preliminary task I had to edit it the footage. To do this I used premiere pro, Imported the clips and then cut each one so that it became a sequence. I also had to make sure that none of the clips were blurry. By editing this video I learned that editing is a lot more time consuming than I first thought, I also had to go over all of the clips multiple times to make sure that they fitted the criteria for our preliminary task.

Friday, 4 November 2016

My Preliminary Task


This is my preliminary task. For this it had to be a 1 minute to 2 minute video that had to include 3 shots; Shot reverse Shot, 180 degree rule and match on action. it had to include someone walking through and opening a door, this person then had to sit opposite someone else and have a conversation with them. I think that the outcome for this task was good because it meet the length requirements and included all camera shots. I also think that the lighting was also because it didn't white wash any of the characters and it also wasn't so dark that the screen was black. To improve next time i think that we should shot in a different location because the we have more room for different settings and establishing shots.