Monday, 8 May 2017

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process constructing this product?

Technologies we used?
  • Premiere Pro
  • Cameras
What we Learned?
When making our film opening we first of all learnt how to change the settings on a camera to record footage that was good enough for our film opening. We also learned how to use premiere pro to edit our film opening. As I was in charge of filming I had to learn a lot about Premiere Pro. I had to learn how to upload and insert clips into a Premiere Pro sequence, I also leant how to cut clips down and how to resize them so we had a 2.30 long film opening. Furthermore I also learnt how to create titles within Premiere Pro and how to insert them into a sequence to make it seem like a more realistic film opening.

What we would do differently next time?

If I were to do this again then I would try to alter the transitions between each clip so that it flowed better however Premiere Pro is very useful in the editing of our film.