Friday, 7 October 2016

Camera Movements

Panning Shot
A Panning Shot is typically used in Films and TV shows. This camera movement is when a camera is moved from side to side, by using this shot it shows where the character(s). This shot is also used in action films particularly when danger is about to be inflicted by another person.
Here is an example of a Panning Shot.

Ariel Shot 
An Ariel shot also referred to as a crane shot is a view from above the characters this means that an audience member can see the whole spectacle of the scene.
Here is an example of a Ariel Shot. (0.53-0.55)

Tracking Shot 
A Tracking Shot is when a camera is run along a set of rails, this may be used in an action film for example if a character was running to or from something. 
Here is an example of a Tracking Shot. (0.13-0.18)

Arc Shot
An Arc Shot is similar to a tracking shot, the camera pans around a character, focusing on one person.
Here is an example of an Arc Shot. (1.43-1.46)

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