Thursday, 15 December 2016


A ident is used to identify a company or channel within TV and film. An ident helps to increase the popularity of some film company's for example Disney, over time this company in particular has become one of the worlds best film company's; however over time Disney was changed there ident but has still travelled along the same track.

Company's rely on there ident to improve the status of a company for example the Warner Bros ident is way more eye catching than if they had used clip art.  A company's ident usually is linked to what they produce and some TV companies will update their idents regularly so that it is relevant.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Audience Feedback

When coming up with our idea for our opening sequence; and after deciding to do a crime - drama we talked about who our film would be aimed at. After doing our pitch we asked our class who would watch our film and everyone said yes. This was our feedback:
  • Very Engaging 
  • Made Me want to watch it
  • True story - adds to the effect (tension ) to viewers, appealing to teenagers
  • Lots of suspense
  • Set in local area
  • Research to back it up
  • Good enigmas
From doing our pitch i have learnt how to sell a film idea and make a good pitch.
Here are our audience when we did our pitch.

Thursday, 8 December 2016


We did our pitch to an audience, for our pitch we briefly explained what we had planned for our opening sequence. I think that our opening sequence went really well because we explained our idea for our opening sequence really well. We went through what shots we were going to use and where we were planing to film and how we were going to eventually come up with our final opening sequence.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016



This is our animatic for our film opening.

From making this animatic i learnt a bit more about premier pro which will help when we go to edit our opening sequence. This also gives me an idea of how we will end up with our final product. I will use this animatic to refer to whilst i am editing what will be our opening sequence.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Opening Sequence Task

For our opening task we have chosen to create the opening sequence to a Crime - Drama, to start of we looked at different openings to crime - dramas for TV shows and films such as The Blair Witch Project, Stranger Things and The Missing which is a student film. After looking at these opening sequences we thought about the conventions of a crime - drama, we came up with:

  • Mystery
  • Realistic characters, settings and story lines 
  • Tension 
  • Journey of character development
After working this out we decided on a storyline. We are basing our sequence on the disappearance of Genette Tate, a girl who went missing at the age of 13 and has been missing for 38 years, making her one of the longest missing people in the UK, we are setting it in 1978, Aylesbeare but with a modern twist.

After deciding the plot for our opening sequence we looked at the Narrative Enigmas which are:

  • Where did she go?
  • What happened to her?
  • Was it planned?
  • How long has she been missing?
We will be filming in 3 different places:

  • Sidmouth Road
  • Aylesbeare
  • Within Lane 
We will be using both our digetic and non-digetic sound. the sound of the cars and the girls talking will be our digetic sound and the echo of girls talking and emphasised door clicking will be our non - digetic sound. 

We will be using a few shots to record our opening sequence:

  • Match on Action 
  • Low angle shot
  • Tracking shot 
  • Over the shoulder shot
  • Close up shot