Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Editing ideas

For our final opening sequence, i will be editing all the shots together. We have decided to do a crime - drama, so because of this i went away and looked at the type of editing that was used to create a creative sequence in a crime - drama. 

For example, cross - cutting is typically used to create tension  this is where the editor uses two scenes and alternates between them within a sequence, this usually suggests that the 2 scenes are linked or are significant.

There are 3 stages in the editing process:
  • Editor Cut 
  • Directors Cut 
  • Final Cut
The Editors cut comes first this is usually longer than the final film, this is strung together by shots from each day discussed between the Director and Editor.

The Directors cut is next this is a collaboration usually between the Director and Editor. They sit down and got through each scene in great detail this usually brings up plot holes this is where there may be missing scenes or missing sequences, scenes are usually reordered, shortened and tweaked during this period.

The Final cut is the last stage in editing. This is usually run by one of the producers who represents the production company.

For our film, opening i have decided go use slow transitions between each shot because thus creates tension for an audience member because of the extended length of the shot. I will also be deciding how to include the titles into our film opening, this is important because the titles such as the production company are important in order to recognize a company's movies.

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